Designing a cultured meat package

New Age Meats: Betterwurst

New Age Meats: Betterwurst mockup headshot.

Project Overview

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Google Workplace
New Age Meats is an up-and-coming brand of meat products that combines cultured animal meat and plant-based ingredients that are safer and more sustainable than conventionally-grown meat. They are releasing a new sub-brand called Betterwurst, focusing on sausages with delicious flavors like Maple.

.They want to appeal to the older generation. However, it can be difficult, especially for those who have traditionally been eating meat. In this project, I was hired to design the packaging for the product that would attract the target audience, inform them about cultured meat, and convince them to buy the product.
Solo Project
Roles and Skills
Packaging Design
Visual Design
Sausage Packaging


The project's creative brief mentioned that the target audience for New Age Meats' Betterwurst product line would be the older generation, mainly the baby boomers. To appeal to their demographic, I designed the packaging using the design thinking process.
I started my process by first researching the company and its philosophy. After that, I did some audits of different sausage and meat brands (both plant-based and traditional meat) packaging and saw their similarities and what makes them stand out. The audit also serves as an inspiration for me.
Brief description and history of New Age Meats.
Auditing different brands of sausage in the market.


My ideation process began with making a mood board that has elements of nostalgia and trustworthiness to the older generation. After auditing different sausage and meat packaging in the market, I created two mood boards inspired by those packages.

After getting feedback from my peers, I used the first mood board as my main inspiration for New Age Meats' Betterwurst sausage.
Mood board
First moodboard.
Second moodboard.
Once I decided on the mood board, I started sketching some wordmarks for Betterwurst and the initial packaging design. I’ve been given some feedback from my peers that may need some changes or work week by week. 
As I continued to iterate my design based on critiques, I made some changes like the color scheme, the sausage illustrations, and the hierarchy of information. Of all the examples I made, I've decided to have two contrasting package designs to choose from.
initial design
New Age Meats Betterwurst in green.


When I asked for more feedback or votes on which design I should go for, my green packaging was the clear winner. Once I've settled on iterating the green packaging, I was finally able to create the finished packaging design for New Age Meats' Betterwurst sausage.
Final Design


To create an effective packaging design for New Age Meats' Betterwurst demographic, it is essential to do research, ideate designs, get feedback, iterate, and present the final packaging. Doing an audit helped me identify the competitors' strategies and what made theirs successful or what opportunities I can bring to New Age Meats. Getting feedback from my peers was also beneficial to my designs because they get to see details that need to be worked on or give suggestions on how I can improve my designs to make them stronger.
This project was fun to do, especially when I wanted to practice my illustration skills and packaging design. If I had more time, I would love to work more on the illustrations or expand on other New Age Meats product